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Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure in which a chemical solution is appliled to the skin to remove the top layers. The skin that grows back after the chemical peel is smoother and younger looking. Chemical peels are sued to treat wrinkles, skin discoloration and scars, typically on the face. There are three types of peels called, superficial, medium and deep. 

Chemical Peel before and after


Non-surgical skin resurfacing technique that uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is the least invasive type of chemical peel skin resurfacing and is safe in most skin types.


This chemical peel is a top of chemical peel that removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin. It's used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. Medium chemical peels, provide more dramatic results than our superficial peel.

Face of a young girl after a cosmetic procedure of chemical peeling close-up. The concept
Medium chemical peel


A deep chemical peel is a type of chemical peel that penetrates deeper into the skin than a lighter or medium peel. It is used to treat more severe skin issues such as deep wrinkles, scars, and precancerous growths

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